She puts her hands to the distaff,
and her hands hold the spindle. Proverbs 31:19
and her hands hold the spindle. Proverbs 31:19
In order to spin flax or long-fibered wool, it makes it easier if the unspun is draped over a distaff. A distaff is a stick or staff that is designed to hold those fibers. The spinner pulls a piece from the unspun wool and begins to turn the spindle. A thread is created and then this spun thread gathers upon the spindle. The distaff makes the spinning process easier by keeping the fibers untangled, making for a steady flow of those fibers into the fingers of the spinner.
These pictures above are not a depiction of the attire of the Proverbs 31 woman, yet the distaff and spindle have not changed much from then to even today. Those who spin today use a spinning wheel more often than a spindle. I, personally, liked using this type of spindle as well as the Navajo spindle along with the spinning wheel. They each gave me great satisfaction in this creative process.
LORD God, You gave each one of us a gift of creativity. I pray that each one of us use the abilities You have given us to full capacity. You created us and the world. Now may we turn back to You with the beauty of the skills and the arts for which You made us. Thank You, Father, for Your gifts. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
To catch up on the previous days of this 31 day challenge, you can find them listed here.
Filed under: Devotionals, God's Word, Pondering